Morton West High School
Class of 1972

February 18, 2021
Welcome to the Morton West High School Class of 1972 website. At this time photos and content are still being added.
In order to keep classmate information private, you will only be able to review classmate's profiles once you are logged in. You will not have to be logged in to view the "In Memory" section.
Start off by clicking on First Time Visitors at the top to review privacy policies and how to use the website. To get started, click on the green Sign In button at the top right and sign in. Look for your name under Classmate Profiles and complete your profile information. You can set your privacy settings to reflect what information you want to be kept private and what you want to share. Be sure to include your email address as down the road we will use this as a means of communicating upcoming events.
This site was started as a way to keep in touch with classmates and reconnect with old friends. We encourage you to visit the site often and help fill it with memories..
We hope you will update your information to help us build our class website. Please share this website with fellow 1972 Classmates to help us find many of our missing classmates. If you know of a classmate who is not on the Classmate List, please contact me with their name and email address and I will add them. Thank you.
Happy reminiscing!
Norma Zanghi - Site Administrator
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